Thursday, February 15, 2007

Waiting On the Lord, another dimension of Prayer

"I will climb my watchtower and wait to see what the Lord will tell me to say and what answer He will give to my complaint".  Habakkuk 2:1 (Good News Translation)     

    When we think of prayer, we often think about making petitions to God.  However, did you know that there is another dimension of prayer called  "Waiting on the Lord"?  Yes, "Waiting on the Lord" is actually part of the prayer process.  We usually think of "waiting" as in waiting on an answer from God, but it goes far beyond this.  

    This very revelation was unveiled to me at Bible Study on evening.   Before we pray we were urged to spend some time "Waiting on the Lord" by sitting before Him quietly to see what was on His heart to pray.   Instead of rushing into His Presence with a laundry list of requests, we were encouraged to hear what it is that He would have us to pray.   This revelation was life-changing.  

     This answered so many questions I had especially concerning my prayers that sometimes went unanswered.  It was not that God was ignoring them, but that I have to ask Him, "What is it that I need to pray?"  

    So saints, I urge you that the next time you pray,  sit quietly before God and ask Him what it is that He would have you pray.  You will be surprised how you will receive more positive results from your prayer time.  Thank you for reading.  


Insightful said...

I love your blogs! I am from the Bahamas, and my society is similar to American society--particularly African American society with church life figuring heavily in the cultural mix. Getting to your point about waiting on the Lord it seems that many people only pray in their time of need. So they do the reverse and have the Good Lord wait on them. But as you so wonderfully pointed out we should look forward to waiting on the Lord "more than they who watch for the morning." And this includes those times when everything is swell. In fact it is times like these when we really need to make time for him--to wait on him. I also think that waiting on the Good Lord is 'meditation' in a word. You are not necessarily asking for something; what you are doing is taking out a quiet moment to receive his guidance. Meditation before the Lord, right? Rhoadie I enjoyed your latest blog. (Adored the analogy you made, too ;-)

Miss Rhoadie said...

Thanks for reading them insightful.

Anonymous said...

Nous sommes bien dans les temps de la fin (cf.

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