Saturday, May 12, 2018

God speaks to us in dreams Part 1

Photo by:  Silvia & Frank Pixabay

God speaks to us in a variety of ways, one of them being dreams.  On my last post I stated how I had a dream that prompted me to search inwardly and ask God why I was feeling "stuck".  The dream revealed how getting off course effects different areas of my life.  Not only would it effect me, but it will effect the people God was bringing into my life.  Let's explore how God speaks to us in dreams.

God Warns Us Using Dreams:

The very first dream in the Bible was given to a king named Abimelech.  Here is a quick backstory, Abraham and Sarah was passing through a place called Gerar.  He was afraid of people killing him because Sarah, his wife, was so beautiful.  So he told Sarah to tell the people of the town that she was his sister.  Thus, King Abimelech took Sarah for himself.  God immediately warned Abimelech in a dream that he was a "dead man because Sarah is another man's wife".  In the dream King Abimelech replied to God "Would you kill an innocent man when he (Abraham) said to me himself that she is my sister?"  So God replied "Yes I know you are an innocent man, return Sarah to Abraham."  So in the morning the king arose and returned Sarah to Abraham.  Abraham also prayed for King Abimelech and his household to be healed because God had shut all of the women's wombs on behalf of  Sarah. The King also shared some of his wealth with Abraham as a parting gift.  There are other instances in the Bible where God warned people using dreams.  However, we will discuss in the next post how God uses dreams to reassure us that He is with us.  

1 comment:

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