Monday, May 28, 2018

Keeping a Faith Journal

Rhonda Jones
Yesterday, I started a Faith journal.  Recently, I have been searching for a way to exercise my faith and stay in a positive state of mind while I await the manifestations of prayers I have been praying.  I naturally love to write, so the idea of keeping a journal came to mind.  However, I did not want any kind of journal.  I wanted a journal that will inspire hope and promise, so I decided to start a "Faith" journal.

The Word states to "write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that reads it" Habakkuk 2:2.  God gives us visions and ideas and He wants us to record them.  When we write the vision it gives us the strength we need to continue in the promise.  

I  gathered my notebook, magazines, colorful tape, etc. and begin to paste words that stood out to me.  When I looked at the front cover of one of my magazines, the heading "Reach Your Goals" jumped out at me.  I decided to frame the first page of my journal around goals.  

I am very careful with how I frame my wording in this journal.  I write everything in present tense because Faith is active and Faith is Now.  Faith believes before it sees, for God  "calls those things that be not as though they were" Romans 4:17.  

This is a journal of progress so I will update this blog on my journey as I begin to see the visions unfold and manifest in the natural.

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