Sunday, August 2, 2020

Is Waiting on the Lord for a Mate Biblical?

       Is "Waiting on the Lord" for a mate biblical.  What I mean by "waiting" is the idea that if you pray, fast, and serve God, than a mate will come without much action on your part.  Is this Biblical or something man made that just sounds good?  Is this keeping women perpetually in a state of singleness?

     I think "Waiting on the Lord" has been misconstrued to make individuals (especially women) wait around indefinitely with no end in sight.  Nowhere in the Bible do you see people sitting around just "waiting" on God to get married.  People were active, men actively pursued women for marriage and even Ruth actively sought marriage.  I believe we must be active.

  Though the culture is different now in comparison to Biblical times, there is nothing wrong with actively seeking marriage with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.  If you want to get married, let friends and family know if they know of any suitable men or women.  You may have to set of a dating profile or go to a meetup in your city.  Get yourself out there!

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Finally got all documents submitted to NVC

 Thank you Jesus I was able to overcome those technical issues and get all the documents submitted to the NVC.