Thursday, September 10, 2020

Keeping Your Faith During this Pandemic

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay 
Recently, I noticed that my faith started sinking.  I was watching so much of the news and media online.  I begin consuming the wrong media and had to rebuild my Faith.  In order to rebuild up my faith, I spend time reading the Word of God and listening to uplifting sermons.  I even played Faith scriptures as I slept for some days too.  This helped me to rebuild my Faith.

This is a trying time, a time of uncertainty.  However, one thing that is certain is God.  This pandemic did not take God by surprise.  Our Lord is not in Heaven trying to figure out what to do.  He knew this pandemic would take place from Day 1 of creation.  We must trust Him.  

This is also a time where people are suffering financially.  However, if you are an optimist you know that this time will birth new opportunities.  Even new industries will be birthed as a result.  This will cause many of God's people who grasp these opportunities to be able to become wealthy to further His Kingdom. 

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Finally got all documents submitted to NVC

 Thank you Jesus I was able to overcome those technical issues and get all the documents submitted to the NVC.