Monday, July 1, 2019

The Blood of Jesus: A few reasons He died for Us

"The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin".  1 John 1:7

The foundation of our Faith is the Blood of Jesus.  We know that Jesus died on the Cross so we might be delivered from sin once and for all.  We know that if we believe in Him we are saved and can be with Him in eternity.  Those are the foundations of our Faith. 

Jesus died for us because of His everlasting love

Jesus died for us on the Cross because He loved us unconditionally.  His love is everlasting, it has no end.  

Jesus died to redeem us from sin

When man sinned in the Garden of Eden, we all inherently inherited the issues related to sin.  However, Jesus' blood redeemed us from it all.  No longer did we have to sacrifice animals on a constant basis, Jesus' blood was the ultimate sacrifice.  

Jesus died so we can overcome the enemy

Jesus died so we can overcome the enemy.  Not just after we die, but while we are living on Earth.  Jesus died so we can lead successful lives.  He does not want our life plagued with sin, sorrow, and sickness.  He died so we can be more than over-comers. (Romans 8: 37)

Thank you for reading.  Have a blessed day!

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