Wednesday, October 16, 2019

How to hang on to your Faith in a Faithless Environment

     "The Lord had said to Abram, "Go from your country, your people and your Father's household to the land I will show you".  Genesis 12:1 

Image by Waltteri Paulaharju from Pixabay 
      Good morning Rhoadie's Place.  Today's topic is "How to hang on to your Faith in a Faithless Environment".  Throughout my walk with Christ I have had situations where people try to question my Faith.  Strangely, this does not always come from unbelievers, but often people in the body of Christ.   Let's say that you are an entrepreneur with an idea from God.  You are working on your plan and God is guiding you every step along the way.  All of a sudden here come the naysayers with all of their questions, suggestions, fearful advice.  What shall you do when in that situation?  Let's look at the story of Abraham.

    Imagine if Abraham would have listen to relatives and friends who probably told him that he should stay in Ur, even when God told him to leave.  They probably said things to him such as "Where are you going?"  "How do you know that it was God who told you to leave?" "Why are you abandoning us?"  Abraham had to trust God and block out the naysayers.  He probably had to even struggle internally with his own fearful thoughts since he didn't know exactly where he was going.  

   However, Abraham persevered and trusted God.  In the end, God fulfilled every promise and Abraham's obedience paid off. Keep moving forward in God in the face of adversity.  

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