Thursday, April 1, 2021

Consistency is the key to success

 Consistent:  acting or done in the same way over time

  • unchanging in nature, standard or effect over time
  • marked by harmony, regularity or steady continuity

"the hand of the diligent brings wealth" Proverbs 10:4

Consistency is the key to success.  One area I can testify in is my online stores.  I have several online stores  on an ecommerce website called Zazzle that took years to build up.  When I first started my e-commerce journey, I would often hear people tell  "get rich quick" stories on Youtube.  They would speak of how they achieved success seemingly overnight, often with a link to their courses and webinar attached.  However, it took me years to build up a customer base and I am still working diligently everyday to grow it.  

Another cause of discouragement is having an incorrect understanding of how God works.  We read the Bible and sometimes think that just having "faith" is enough.  I used to believe that.  However when I was not succeeding, on Faith alone I even felt that God was being unfair.  However, we have to learn practical things to succeed on business.  We can't use "Faith" as a cheat code to success.  "Faith without works is dead" James 2:17.  We must do the work involved in achieving success.

I hope this post has helped encourage you.  See you next time!

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