Friday, March 23, 2007

You Will reap what you Sow

"Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap".  Galatians 6:7

People often believe that they can get away with wrong doing unscathed.  You may even know someone who seems to be just doing wrong and goes around unpunished.  I think of drug kingpins who sell drugs for years, even decades and seem to be living the good life.  They may have riches and wealth, and can go along time without being caught.  However, when they least expected them and their associates are round up and ratting each other out hoping to avoid lengthy sentences.  This is just one example of people reaping what they have sown.

In the opening verse, Galatians warns us to be not deceived, we will reap what we sow.  Because we often do not reap what we have sown right away, we sometimes feel that we are getting away with wrong doing.  Then all of a sudden when we least expect it the bad harvest strikes.

However, we can also reap good things in our lives.  We may get discouraged because we are going through a rough patch in our life.  Let's say that you are that friend that always seem to be able to connect your friends with good relationship partners that lead to marriage yet you remain single.  You may feel that God is being unfair to you but be encouraged that you will reap an out of this world, mind blowing relationship that will confound those around you.   

Photo:  Laurent Sartorio
The same thing can go for a business.  You may have opened up a business and it is going slow.  You have done everything in your power to sustain it and you have sown your own time, money, and diligence.  Well know that you will reap a blessed harvest in return.  One day "seemingly overnight" you will experience financial breakthroughs like never before.  Those on the outside may think that you had a fast ascension to success but you know it was years in the making.  

So let us focus on reaping a blessed harvest.   If you sow love, kindness, compassion, mercy, and patience than you will reap that in your own life at a time when you need it most.  If you sow consistency in your prayer life, you will consistent answers to prayer.  If we sow hard work and integrity on the job, you will reap raises and promotions.   

So we see the whole picture of reaping what we have sown.  Let us make sure we reap a bountiful crop of good things.  


Insightful said...

Great advice for anyone anywhere. I like that very much

Miss Rhoadie said...

Thanks, this post was triggered by a conversation I had with a friend.

Anonymous said...

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