Wednesday, May 16, 2007


This is the beginning of a weekly series on emotions. The topics of emotions are often overlooked in the Body of Christ. Some things that we may attribute to Satan are oftentimes our emotions getting the best of us. Yes, Satan does oppress us in our emotions sometimes but we need to discern the difference between him and us. Many people need healing from damaged emotions. Some of our wounds may stem from past/present relationships, childhood disappointments, abuse, etc. Some of us may not have “wounds” but just do not know how to control our emotions. Many of us are on an emotional roller coaster and that we wanted to get off of yesterday. What are emotions? Emotions can be described as a mental state, which occurs automatically as opposed to using conscious effort, and are often followed by physiological changes. Emotions also originate in the nervous system. This is significant because the nervous system coordinates the activity of the muscles, monitors the organs, constructs and also stops input from the senses and initiate action (which I really found to be interesting.)., Our emotional condition can lengthen our shorten our days on the Earth: Think about how we often hear about people who live very stressful lives often have more heart attacks than the average human being. Now we see why, our emotions are directly connected the nervous system which monitors our organs. So we must be mindful this when responding to situations in an unhealthy way. Next time we will discuss what the Bible has to say about emotions….


Insightful said...

Our emotional condition can lengthen our shorten our days on the Earth

That’s why I think emotions can affect our blood pressure. Blood Pressure often goes up when people stress or worry too much (their emotional state). Apart from taking pills to alleviate the condition one should supplement it with ‘external medicine’ in the form of positive activities that take your mind away. Reading a good book, exercising, doing charity, mentoring—all can affect our emotions in a nice way and therefore our blood pressure. Today more people are under stress than ever before due to work, family, etc. So controlling and channeling emotions are more important than ever.

Miss Rhoadie said...

Yes I agree. It is amazing how our emotions can be directly connected to our health.

Insightful said...

It's even more important with black people because we have higher rates of poor health/stress...

Miss Rhoadie said...

I really believe this is one of the reasons we see such high rates of heart disease and prostate cancer in our black men. One grandfathers died of stress related ailment. He was in his early fifties and had a heart attack, and he was a hard working man trying to provide for family (he and my grandmother had 10 children). I see this repeated in many black families.

Insightful said...

It's terrible when you work so hard and have little to show for it. What did your grandfather do for a living--his main livelihood?.

Miss Rhoadie said...

He worked at this factory called "Hercules". I don't know to much about it, but I think it was one of those steel making factories.

Insightful said...

Working in a steel mill is a very dangerous occupation. There are all kinds of hazards one must be aware of. Anyway, one of my grandfathers was a businessman and the other a carpenter. They were both their own bosses too by the way.

Miss Rhoadie said...

That's great, how are their businesses now? Did someone inherit them?

Insightful said...

Both of my grandfathers passed away back in the late 80s and early 90s respectively. When I say they worked for themselves—a lot of people did back then. It was a rather small-time thing. In my grandfather who was a carpenter’s case he made enough money to take care of his family but that was about it, nothing much he left to his children. The businessman who was a grandfather made a lot more money but nothing close to a million dollars. This one also owned some property and land here and there that he passed on to his legitimate offspring (my mother being an illegitimate child got very little if anything). In his earlier years he was more of a customs officer before becoming a businessman on the side.

Miss Rhoadie said...

If our people could start successful businesses back then under more restricted circumstances we can do so much more in this day and age.

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