Thursday, September 13, 2018

Overcoming Procrastination

Tero Vesalainen from Pixabay
Procrastinate- delay or postpone action; to put off doing something

Recently, I have been pondering as to why we as human beings procrastinate?  
One thing I noticed is that it depends on what we are procrastinating about.  Our reasons for putting off washing a load of laundry may be very different than putting off going to the dentist or talking to a bill collector.  

The motivation for not washing a load of laundry may just be simple laziness, while putting off the bill collector or dentist appointment may be rooted in fear.  Fear will cause us to put things off until we are confronted with  the situation in a dramatic way.  
The confrontation may manifest as a severe toothache which forces us to go to the dentist, or a threatening phone call from the bill collector which forces us to deal with that situation.  

Either way, in order to overcome procrastination we must replace bad habits with good ones.  One habit we should form is one of getting things done as quickly and efficiently as possible.  We should never allow things to linger in our life where the problem will grow and grow until it is unmanageable.  We must conquer it while it is something that is still small.   

We must also check our relationship with God especially if we use procrastination as a way to cope with fear.  Do we fully trust Him to work things out for our good?  Do we trust Him to lead us and guide us in our everyday lives?  

Know beloved that we never face situations alone because God is on our side.  God is a facilitator, he simplifies a problem, not make it more difficult.  Last but not least let us remember, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me" Philippians 4:13

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