Monday, November 19, 2018

Rejecting The Seed of Doubt

I was recently at a training and I was excited about the new things we were learning.  A lady beside me struck up a conversation with me and her "small talk" begin casting a seed of doubt.  I didn't even respond to what she was saying, I just smiled and said I had to go since it was the end of the day.  She had an irritated expression and started talking to another woman. 

I learned a powerful lesson that day "shut negativity down quickly".  

1.  Do not engage in negative discussions:  When a negative discussion come up, either bring out a positive spin if you can, or excuse yourself from the conversation.  Do not worry about appearing rude.

2.  If the negative statement is directed toward you personally, kick it out of your mind quickly.  Do not entertain the negative thought because it will only create more negative thoughts.  

3. Do not repeat it.  Do not repeat the negative words or ask others for their opinion.  I was tempted to discuss what the lady had said, but I knew it would open the door to confusion and frustration.    Reject the negativity from the start and do not give it any of your time and attention.  

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