Monday, December 3, 2018

Right Calling, Wrong Timing

'To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven"  Ecclesiastes 3:1

Have you ever pursued something that you felt strongly in your heart you were called to do and things did not work out?  As you ponder on the outcome you are certain that you heard God on the issue.  However, what happened?  Could it have been an issue of "right calling, wrong timing" ?

The Word states that there is a season, and a time to EVERY PURPOSE under the Heaven.  That means that your very life operates by a calendar established by God.  However, we often get frustrated when we compare our selves to other people and feel as if we should be further along than we are, or that we have "missed something".    However, you could have grown up in a house with 5 people and each person my have a VASTLY different timetable for career, love, marriage, ministry, etc.  

Let's look at Issac for example.  He was 40 years old when he married Rebecca (Genesis 25:20).  In today's society when people usually married in their mid to late 20s, that may be considered "late" or "delayed".  So can you imagine the pressure Issac must have felt during Biblical Times when people were marrying in their teenage years!  His friends probably had grandchildren and Issac was still unmarried.  He may have thought that something was wrong with him, and his brother Ishmael probably had a family already.  Issac may have been confused because he was the destined promise child that was suppose to carry on his family's lineage.  However, he was approaching "middle age" without a mate.  It must have been agonizing for year after year, to turn into decade after decade.  Issac may have even felt forsaken by God and wondered when or IF he would ever get married.  However, those times before just was not the right time according to God's schedule.  It was not the right time when he was 16, 22, 30, 37, etc.  His due season was at 40 and God planned the whole thing that way.

In closing, wait on God's timing and do not jump ahead of Him.  Remember what happened to Sarah and Abraham when they jumped ahead of God and ended up having Ishmael, that was out of order.  Timing is everything in the Kingdom of God, and when you do something at the wrong time it will lead to frustration, confusion, and discouragement.  So be encouraged that just as God have a time for the natural cyclical seasons on this Earth, your life has seasons that God oversees.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't checked in here for some time as I thought it was
getting boring, but the last few posts are great quality so
I guess I will add you back to my everyday bloglist.

You deserve it my friend :)

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