Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Three problems with the Law of Attraction teachings

Image by bpcraddock from Pixabay 
   Be very careful with the "Law of Attraction" teachings.  These teachings are really becoming super popular during this day and age, however, a lot of it is simply demonic.  I myself thought that those teachings where in line with Biblical Faith but they are not.    Most Law of Attraction teachings take Biblical Faith and use it as a tool to get what you want out of life instead of what God wants for your life.  This article will be discussing three problems I have noticed concerning the Law of Attraction teachings. 

    First, the teachings replaces God with the universe.  As Believers we know that God is the source of all things.  God is our Creator, the Only Creator.  The universe does not have any power independent of God.  The universe can not grant our wishes like some genie in a bottle.  If your "wishes" are being granted it is not because the universe is doing it, it is because satanic powers are behind it.  Remember when Moses was doing the miracles though God's Power, the magicians were also able to perform some of those same miracles using the demonic realm (Exodus 7:22).  

   Second, the law of attraction also teaches people to use the universe as a means of fulfilling all of your wishes and desires.  This is contrary to what the Word of God teaches.  First of all, our wishes and desires are not right if they are not in line the Will of God.  The Law of Attraction take into consideration God's Will for our life.   

   Third, the Law of Attraction teaches us to depend on self instead of God.  This is contrary to Bible teachings which are to "Trust in the Lord with all our heart, and do not lean on your own understanding" Proverbs 3:5.  

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