Saturday, December 7, 2019

Accomplish your dream: Write down your personal goals

Image by TeroVesalainen from Pixabay 
"And the Lord answered me, "Write the vision; and make it plain upon tables, that he may run who reads it".   Habakkuk 2:2 

As 2019 come to a close, a brand new year is upon us.  Matter of fact, we are moving into another decade, 2020.  We want to make this time in our life a success.  One way to insure success is by writing down our goals.

Reflect upon the goals you set out for this past year.  Did you accomplish them?  Are you on the path to accomplishing them?  Do you have a plan for implementing each goal?

Now think about the goals you want to accomplish next year.  It is good to set aside a time of prayer in order to get from God what He will have you to do this upcoming year.  Are there any pressing ideas on your heart that you believe was placed their by God?

Now all of your goals may not be completed the year you set out to accomplish them.  This is why you want to make sure you break your goals down into short (0-3 years), intermediate (3-5 years) and long term (5 years+).  For example, you may want to start your own day care business in 2020.  However,  it may take training, securing a location, making sure you are up to code, etc.  This may take a couple of years to accomplish and that is alright.  

After you identify your goals, take steps towards achieving them.  If your goal is to open a day care center, read books on how to start, take classes to sharpen your skills, etc.   Every day make sure you are taking one small step in accomplishing your dream.

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