Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Our understanding of tithing and sowing seeds is wrong

Image by 3D Animation Production Company from Pixabay
When I was a babe in Christ I did not know how the Kingdom of God worked concerning finances.  I would hear preachers come on the radio and tell you to do these "magical" things with your finances such as "sowing seeds" and promising that money will appear supernaturally in your bank account.  They would even have people calling with testimonies of how after they sowed a $100 "miracle seed" $1,000 supernaturally appeared in their bank accounts.  However, is this how God works?  Was that "supernatural money"or a bank error.

Others will tell of how their seed offering led to "checks in the mail" even though no one would necessarily explain where those "checks in the mail" came from.  Was it a check from a family member who decided to send you money because you were on their mind?  Was it part of a settlement from a class action lawsuit? Because almost all of us receive "checks in the mail" and they are most likely scams and not "blessings" from the Most High.  

However, sowing seeds means you are sowing God's Word and His principles into your life.  One principle is "a diligent hand shall prosper" Proverbs 10:4.  Diligence is careful or persistent work.  It takes careful and persistent work to prosper.  

The same can be said with tithing.  When we tithe we do so to further the Kingdom of God.  We do not tithe as some sort of way to get money from God.  However, we will see reap financial blessing when we are tithing or giving from our heart. 

For example I have a monthly budget that I make for myself, but somehow back in October I had overspent.  This caused me to try to overcompensate for November, but I ended up being in the red once December came around.   I was short of money when it came to a bill.   All I could do was pray and trust God.  I had a myriad of emotions because it seem that God was taking too long.  I remember praying on Monday and I expected an answer by Friday.  Even though the bill wasn't due for another 2 weeks, I needed God to move right away.  However, on Saturday, I received a Christmas check from a relative for 5x the amount of my bill.  So not only did I have enough money to cover the bill, I had enough money to last me into the early part of next year.

  I believe since I was trusting in God, He touched their heart to give me that amount of money.  Because if you are faithful in keeping His commandments He is faithful in taking care of your needs.  

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