Monday, December 23, 2019

Is the internet one of the reasons millennials are leaving organized religion?

Image by KirsiV from Pixabay
I was reading an article that state that 40% of millennials (people born between 1981 and 1996) are not affiliated with any religion.  They listed a myriad of reasons from having a nonreligious spouse to not being raised religious.   

However, I believe that the power of the internet may be one of the leading causes of millennials leaving organized religion.  With the internet, a person can personalize their spirituality.  You do not have to ascribe to one particular doctrine.  A person can "personalize" their spirituality.  With the internet a person who was raised Lutheran can watch a video on New Age spirituality and tailor their religion to suit their desires.  

The internet also allow people to come up with their on belief system and spread it to their viewership.  I have seen in particular Youtubers create a belief system that is just their mere opinion.  However, they have enough followers to indoctrinate others.  I have even seen gangs spread their particular belief system that is akin to some sort of mystical practices shrouded in secrecy.

So if we want to look at why millennials are leaving "organized religion" we have to take a good look at what they are consuming via the internet.  

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