Thursday, December 5, 2019

The New Age Deception

Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay 
Technology has allowed us to be exposed to a variety of pagan spiritual systems and beliefs that was previously done in secret. Recently I was viewing a video about receiving answers to prayer and thought "hmm, this looks interesting".  
The person started talking about what hinders us from receiving answers to prayers and the importance of Faith.  They touched on scriptures such as "ask and you shall receive, knock and the door should be opened to you".  

    Everything sounded good until they started talking about how the universe hears your prayer and will give you the answer you are seeking in due time.  However, is this true?  Who is the universe subservient too?  Is it not the Creator of the Universe who answers prayers?

   I am of the belief that it is God who hears my prayer and not the universe.  The universe is a product of God's creation and has to obey His voice.   When we pray to God, yes He can cause the "universe" to make it rain in a drought, or cause a hurricane to go out into sea and dissipate.  However, this is all because of the sovereignty of God.  God is still in control; not our desires, wishes, or declarations. 

 "They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator who is forever praised."  Romans 1:25 

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