Monday, July 13, 2020

Overcoming Disillusionment in God

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay 
Disillusionment- a feeling of disappointment resulting from the discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be

I started my Christian journey at the age of 10 when I accepted Jesus into my heart.  At that age I had a very strong Faith in God.  I lacked the life experiences that often leave some Believers jaded. I could wholeheartedly believe God for any and everything.  Everything was fresh and pure to me.   However, as time past and "life happened" I experienced disappointments.  These disappointments led me to go through a season of my adult life where I started having issues with my faith.  

As a result, lack of understanding caused me to become complacent and even cynical in some areas.  Instead of being the happy go lucky teenager that was full of faith, I became a woman in her 30's with bouts of doubt and unbelief.  

However, this pandemic has forced me to look over my life and experience God in a brand new way.  I saw that some "disappointments" came from my lack of understanding of how God operates.  God is not a genie in a bottle that will grant us three wishes.  He is a spiritual being that has a plan for us much higher than our own.  

One thing that caused great disappointment was praying outside the Will of God.  There we some areas of my life that I had been praying contrary to the Word of God but I somehow justified my prayers. It was because my emotions felt so strong about what I was praying I thought God was making an exception for me.  However, Jeremiah 17:9 states "the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure?  Who can understand it?"  We have to make sure we are praying from a spiritual place and not an emotional one.

In closing it is important to study God's Word to know His ways.  We also have to guard our emotions because they can lead us down a path that will cause disillusionment.  

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