Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It pays to be patient

"Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city".  Proverbs 16:32

Wow what a powerful verse.  This is one of those "hidden gems" that is in the Word of God.  The wording is very visual and seemed to pierce the center of my being.  This often happens when God is speaking to me.

People often admire people who represents strength, might and power.  This is the warrior, who outwardly displays those qualities.  You know without of shadow of a doubt that he is strong and courageous.  However, there is a more inward characteristic that God deems better than that of a warrior.  That characteristic is patience.  A person with patience exhibits self control.  It is easy to "blow our top" and strike out in violence, however, it takes a Mighty strength to walk away peacefully from a volatile situation.  Thank you for reading.   

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