Monday, January 11, 2021

The Importance of Self Care

 Self care is really important especially as women.  Stressors in our lives can lead to the decline in our health and well-being.  Here are 5 things I currently do as self-care.

1. Journaling- I love to journal as a form of self care.  I can release all of my thoughts, worries, anxieties, etc.  I also like to keep a record of the amazing things God is doing in my life and how He answers the prayers I journaled. 

2. Listening to Music- Music is a great escape.  It is one of my main forms of self care.  I can also let my imagination run wild when I listen to music.  It really gets my creative juices flowing.

3. Dancing-  Dancing is great exercise.  It also makes me more in touch with my femininity.  It is a really good mood enhancer.

4. Cooking-  Cooking delicious meals is also good for self-care.  Food can be medicinal and can actually help with nourishing your body physically. 

5. Podcasts-  Learning something new on a podcast is something that boosts my self-esteem so I incorporate this into self care. 

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